From the deepest parts of Africa to mysterious Indonesia, to the sunny Caribbean, Coffee Masters has scoured the earth to bring you twelve of the finest arabica coffees available on the planet today. Each Packet of freshly ground coffee is just the right amount for the "Perfect Potful" (8-10 standard cups).
Brazilian Santos - Very mild and well-rounded cup, this coffee has a light acidity and smooth body with a subtle aroma.
Colombian Supremo - This high grown coffee possesses nice snappy acidity, rich flavor, and aroma with a strong body.
Costa Rican Tarrazu - This coffee begins with a clean crisp flavor with snappy acidity and closes with a sweet and tantalizing smooth flavor.
Ethiopian Harrar - A medium body, earthy, yet slightly fruity flavor, light acidity and wonderful smoothness.
Guatemalan Antigua - This shade-grown estate coffee is balanced with bright acidity, full body, great flavor and wonderful aroma.
Honduras - The finest "Strictly High Grown" coffee from Honduras, flavorful and balanced.
Kenya AA - This highly prized coffee starts with a jolt of sharp acidity and powerful aroma, with fruit notes that envelopes the senses - A classic, grand coffee!
Mexican Altura - This coffee is very smooth with light acidity, nutty flavor and a clean, mellow finish.
Nicaraguan - Medium to heavy bodied, high acidity, from the Matagalpa region.
Papua New Guinea - Special AA grade "Arokara" coffee from this island east of Indonesia has a well-rounded flavor.
Sumatra Mandheling - A wonderful coffee with a heavy, full body with a spicy, earthy and robust taste, all with almost no acidity.
Tanzanian Kilimanjaro Peaberry - Mild bodied coffee, with a slight sweet note.